Donald Trump – FAB HOURS Tue, 27 Jun 2023 13:13:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Donald Trump – FAB HOURS 32 32 Don Lemon Urges You to Speak Out Against Racism Tue, 27 Jun 2023 13:13:03 +0000 Read more]]> After 17 years at CNN, Don Lemon, a prominent Black and queer anchor in prime-time cable news, announced on Monday that he had been fired by the Cable News Network. This shocking turn of events marked a significant fall from grace for the star anchor who had garnered a loyal following over the years. While the exact reasons behind his termination remain unclear, a series of troubling public and private accusations had been levied against him.

Lemon, who had previously anchored at NBC Chicago and worked as a correspondent for NBC News, including shows like “TODAY” and “NBC Nightly News,” had recently faced allegations of on-air sexism as well as serious gender-based harassment behind the scenes. The accusations of sexism seemed to stretch back to 2006, highlighting a pattern of behavior that had persisted over the years.

One notable incident that drew attention was Lemon’s comments about former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley on “CNN This Morning.” He suggested that women over the age of 50, including Haley, were past their prime. Following the controversy, Lemon acknowledged his mistake and expressed remorse. However, a subsequent Variety magazine story published allegations of sexism against him, although they have not been independently verified by NBC News.

In response to Variety’s report, a spokesperson for Lemon denounced the article as reckless and criticized its reliance on unsourced, unsubstantiated, and anonymous gossip from 15 years ago. CNN had previously suspended Lemon for his remarks about Haley and emphasized the seriousness of the situation. However, the decision to terminate him came amid a viral interview in which Lemon pushed back against conservative presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy’s false claims about the civil rights movement. This sequence of events raised questions about the racial dynamics at play, as a Black queer journalist like Lemon confronted falsehoods while being miscast as “the angry Black man.”

Previously: Don Lemon Fired by CNN, Dispute Over Details

Lemon’s impact on cable TV viewers, particularly among Black audiences, cannot be denied. He brought not only the news but also his charismatic personality to the screen. His viral moments, such as the laughter-filled exchange with guests Marc Lamont Hill and Angela Rye, showcased his ability to engage viewers. Lemon’s annual appearances at CNN’s New Year’s Eve celebration became highly anticipated, and his willingness to be candid and spontaneous made him a must-see TV personality.

Lemon’s legacy was hard-earned through his willingness to connect with the news he reported. He shared personal experiences, such as growing up with colorism in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, which added depth and context to stories about internalized racism. He fearlessly tackled controversial topics, as demonstrated when he directly called out former President Donald Trump’s racist remarks on certain countries. Despite some viewing his transformation into a more hard-hitting interviewer during President Barack Obama’s administration as opportunistic, Lemon’s ability to challenge guests from both sides of the aisle distinguished him in an increasingly partisan media landscape.

However, despite his charisma and the impact he had on viewers, reports suggest that Lemon’s female colleagues had been lodging complaints about him for years. The decision to keep him employed despite these allegations raises concerns about the treatment of women within the industry. Furthermore, his termination shortly after confronting a conservative individual’s false claims about the NRA’s advocacy for Black people sends an unfortunate message, particularly to women and Black individuals.

The news of Don Lemon‘s departure from CNN has ignited controversy and prompted reflections on his complex legacy. While he faced accusations of sexism and gender-based harassment, his role as a prominent Black and queer anchor calling out racism had resonated with many. The circumstances surrounding his firing, coupled with his prior contributions, raise important questions about media executives’ willingness to embrace those who challenge racism and confront falsehoods. The situation serves as a reminder of the work that remains in creating an inclusive and equitable media landscape.

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DeSantis Tactful in Escalating Trump War Sat, 03 Jun 2023 11:52:31 +0000 Read more]]> In the early stages of his 2024 presidential campaign, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has embarked on a strategic tour of 12 cities across Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. With his sights set on the Republican nomination, DeSantis has positioned himself as a conservative alternative to former President Donald Trump, the current frontrunner in the race. This move has sparked a war of words between the two candidates, providing valuable insights into DeSantis’ initial campaign strategy.

Establishing Conservative Credentials:

Throughout his tour, DeSantis has been unapologetic in his conservative stance on critical issues such as abortion, immigration, government spending, crime, and LGBTQ rights. By drawing sharp contrasts with Trump, DeSantis portrays himself as a steadfast politician who remains true to his conservative principles. He suggests that Trump, during his time in the White House, compromised too readily and lost sight of his initial transformative agenda.

A Battle of Narratives:

In response to DeSantis’ rise, Trump’s camp has attempted to undermine his credibility by labeling him a “swamp puppet” and downplaying his accomplishments as Florida’s governor. Both candidates aim to distance themselves from the establishment, as being perceived as political outsiders remains an attractive quality within the Republican Party.

DeSantis’ Tour Strategy:

DeSantis’ strategic tour of early-voting states aims to position him as the biggest threat to Trump’s nomination. Despite attracting packed venues and supportive crowds, many voters remain undecided. During his speeches, DeSantis refrains from directly criticizing Trump by name but makes subtle references to issues like securing the U.S. southern border and emphasizing the importance of leadership over building a personal brand. This approach seeks to maintain support from Trump’s loyal base while signaling to voters that DeSantis represents a fresh perspective.

Taking the Gloves Off:

While DeSantis is cautious in public speeches, he is more candid in media interviews. He accuses Trump of shifting to the left during his presidency and criticizes his tendency to give opponents derogatory nicknames as “petty” and “juvenile.” DeSantis believes that such conduct played a role in Trump’s failure to secure re-election and suggests that the former president has lost touch with the ideals he championed in 2016.

Contrasting Records of Governance:

DeSantis emphasizes his own record as Florida’s governor, highlighting the implementation of numerous conservative reforms in collaboration with the Republican legislature. He underscores the importance of overcoming obstacles and resisting the temptation of making easy excuses. In contrast, Trump’s time in office is portrayed as a period of compromised principles and missed opportunities for transformative change.

Public Opinion:

According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll conducted in May, Trump maintains a dominant lead in the Republican field with 49% support, while DeSantis follows closely behind with 19%. DeSantis’ message resonates with voters who value a consistent conservative approach, such as Doug Lambert, vice chair of the Belknap County Republican Party in New Hampshire. However, some voters, like Maureen Plyler, favor Trump’s business background and are skeptical of the escalating exchanges between the two candidates.

Strategic Messaging:

DeSantis adjusts his messaging to cater to different audiences. In states with a larger pool of independent voters, such as New Hampshire, he avoids mentioning Florida’s strict abortion ban. However, in Iowa and South Carolina, where evangelical Christians hold significant influence, he emphasizes his pro-life stance. DeSantis also distinguishes himself from the billionaire Trump by presenting himself as a “blue-collar kid” who has worked hard for his achievements. His inclusion of his wife, Casey DeSantis, and their young children on stage serves as a reminder that he represents a different generation from Trump.


As Ron DeSantis challenges Donald Trump for the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential race, he is strategically positioning himself as a more conservative and consistent alternative. The war of words between the two candidates underscores the intensity of the competition and the significance of DeSantis’ initial campaign strategy. While Trump maintains a commanding lead in the polls, DeSantis’ message resonates with conservative voters who seek a steadfast champion of their values. As the campaign unfolds, the contrasting narratives and strategies employed by DeSantis and Trump will shape the future of the Republican Party.

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Diplomat Henry Kissinger Turns 100, Active Globally Sat, 27 May 2023 15:29:14 +0000 Read more]]> Henry Kissinger, the former diplomat and presidential adviser, reaches a momentous milestone as he celebrates his 100th birthday. His longevity is a testament to his enduring influence in global affairs and his significant role in shaping American foreign policy during one of the nation’s most tumultuous periods. From his involvement in the Vietnam War to his contributions to Cold War tensions and his recent engagements, Kissinger’s journey has been one marked by controversy, accomplishments, and enduring impact.

Born on May 27, 1923, in Germany, Henry Kissinger emerged as a prominent figure in American politics and international diplomacy. His pivotal role in U.S. foreign policy during the 1960s and 1970s, particularly in relation to Vietnam, remains a subject of intense scrutiny and debate.

Kissinger’s efforts to extricate the United States from the Vietnam War became inextricably linked to controversial actions and decisions. Despite this, he continued to navigate the complex landscape of American politics, demonstrating resilience and an unwavering commitment to diplomacy.

In a recent article published in The Washington Post, David Kissinger, Henry’s son, reflected on his father’s centenary, stating that it was inevitable given his force of character and love for historical symbolism. David highlighted Henry’s exceptional longevity, surpassing many of his contemporaries, detractors, and even students. Throughout his 90s, Henry Kissinger remained indefatigably active, providing advice to presidents from both political parties and maintaining an international consulting business.

As an elder statesman, Kissinger has wielded significant influence over Washington’s power brokers. His expertise and counsel have been sought by Republican and Democratic administrations alike, including the White House during the Trump era. Despite his advanced age, Kissinger continues to deliver speeches and engage in international consulting, showcasing his enduring passion for diplomacy.

Kissinger’s journey is a testament to his resilience and commitment to global affairs. His early experiences fleeing Nazi Germany with his family as a teenager left an indelible mark on him, shaping his worldview and commitment to preventing such atrocities from recurring.

In addition to his diplomatic endeavors, Kissinger has actively engaged with contemporary issues. He coauthored a book in 2021 titled “The Age of AI: And Our Human Future,” exploring the implications of artificial intelligence and urging governments to prepare for its potential risks.

Throughout his career, Kissinger played a central role in several pivotal foreign policy events. As a national security adviser and secretary of state, he engaged in shuttle diplomacy to seek Middle East peace, conducted secret negotiations with China to thaw relations, and initiated the Paris peace talks to end the Vietnam conflict and reduce U.S. military presence in the region.

However, Kissinger also faced intense criticism for his actions. Alongside President Richard Nixon, he bore the brunt of condemnation when North Vietnamese communist forces captured Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) in 1975, marking a significant setback for American foreign policy. Furthermore, Kissinger was accused of orchestrating the expansion of the Vietnam War into Laos and Cambodia, inadvertently contributing to the rise of the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime, which claimed the lives of an estimated 2 million Cambodians.

Despite the controversies surrounding his legacy, Kissinger received recognition for his contributions. He played a pivotal role in the period of détente, a diplomatic effort between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1967 to 1979 aimed at reducing Cold War tensions through trade and arms negotiations. Kissinger’s realpolitik policies favored American interests but also drew criticism for supporting or emboldening repressive regimes in countries such as Pakistan, Chile, and Indonesia.

Throughout his political career, Kissinger remained one of Nixon’s most trusted advisers, even during the Watergate scandal that ultimately led to the president’s resignation. In 1977, President Gerald Ford awarded Kissinger the Presidential Medal of Freedom, recognizing his wisdom, compassion, and dedication to pursuing peace while wielding America’s great power.

As Henry Kissinger celebrates his 100th birthday, the global community reflects on his immense contributions to international relations. His longevity, intellectual prowess, and enduring influence have solidified his place in history as a statesman of unparalleled significance. While controversy may surround some of his actions, Kissinger’s impact on American foreign policy and global affairs cannot be denied. As the world continues to grapple with complex challenges, his insights and experiences serve as a reminder of the importance of diplomacy, strategic thinking, and the pursuit of peace.

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Senator Van Hollen Blasts House Republicans for Debt Ceiling Chaos Mon, 22 May 2023 13:05:52 +0000 Read more]]> Introduction

Senator Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat from Maryland, has placed blame on House Republicans, particularly Speaker Kevin McCarthy, for the escalating debt ceiling crisis in the United States. As negotiations between the White House and lawmakers intensify to avoid a potential default, Van Hollen expressed deep concern about the current situation, characterizing it as “insane.”

With the federal government at risk of being unable to pay its bills as early as June, unless Congress raises the borrowing limit, tensions are rising as House Republicans demand concessions on spending. Meanwhile, they deflect responsibility for fueling fears of a default, instead placing the blame on President Joe Biden.

House Republicans’ Demands and Democratic Response

In an interview with ABC’s “This Week,” Van Hollen criticized Speaker McCarthy and House Republicans, accusing them of threatening to push the “default detonator” and jeopardize the economy unless their demands are met. Van Hollen’s worry stems from the significant gap between the two parties regarding raising taxes and government spending. While President Biden has expressed a willingness to compromise on spending, Republicans remain staunchly opposed to any increases in taxes. The impasse has raised concerns about finding a viable solution before the debt ceiling deadline looms.

Three Paths Forward

Van Hollen outlined three potential paths forward to address the debt ceiling crisis. In the short term, he recommended continuing the ongoing negotiations between the White House and McCarthy, referring to it as “Plan A.” However, if an agreement is not reached within the next two days, Van Hollen proposed two backup plans. “Plan B” involves Democrats attempting to pass their own deal through the House via a discharge petition, which would allow them to force a vote without McCarthy‘s backing.

To succeed, Democrats would need the support of some conservative lawmakers to pass an alternative plan. Van Hollen stressed the importance of unity among Democrats and highlighted the potential for finding common ground with approximately 30 Republicans who had expressed similar proposals in May.

The 14th Amendment Contingency

As a last resort, Van Hollen identified “Plan C,” which entails President Biden invoking the 14th Amendment to circumvent the debt limit. The 14th Amendment states that the public debt “shall not be questioned.” While this option is seen as a legal strategy to bypass Congress, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen had previously cautioned that it could provoke a “constitutional crisis.”

Biden, currently attending a summit in Japan, acknowledged the authority to invoke the 14th Amendment but expressed concerns about potential legal challenges and the limited time frame to implement a unilateral solution. Van Hollen acknowledged the uncertainty surrounding this approach but maintained that it would be a preferable alternative to default, which could have severe economic consequences.

Republican Tactics and Democratic Response

Van Hollen likened the tactics employed by House Republicans to hostage-taking, arguing that President Biden had already offered significant spending cuts. However, Republicans have staunchly opposed any discussion of increased revenue from wealthy individuals, insisting that the focus should be on reducing government bureaucracy and addressing the inflation crisis caused by excessive spending.

House Budget Committee Chair Jodey Arrington, speaking separately on “This Week,” emphasized the need to rein in government spending and the unsustainable debt burden. Arrington accused Biden of dragging out negotiations until the last moment, despite House Republicans passing their own debt ceiling bill the previous month.

McCarthy’s Influence and the Role of Former President Trump

Van Hollen expressed skepticism about McCarthy‘s effectiveness as Speaker, attributing it to his limited sway over House Republicans. He contended that McCarthy could not present a reasonable proposal to his caucus and expect it to secure the necessary votes, particularly with the influence of former President Donald Trump, who is encouraging uncompromising stances. The dynamic within the Republican Party, shaped by Trump’s presence, further complicates negotiations and the search for a bipartisan agreement.

Finally, as the debt ceiling deadline rapidly approaches, the blame game intensifies between Democrats and House Republicans. Van Hollen’s criticism of Speaker McCarthy and his party highlights the urgency of finding a resolution to avoid a catastrophic default. With three possible paths forward and the consideration of invoking the 14th Amendment as a last resort, lawmakers face critical decisions that will impact the country’s economic stability. The coming days will prove crucial in determining whether negotiations can bridge the wide divide between the two parties and avert a potential crisis that could have far-reaching consequences for the American economy.

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