Memorial Day – FAB HOURS Tue, 30 May 2023 15:56:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Memorial Day – FAB HOURS 32 32 Memorial Day shooting in Hollywood Florida beach: 9 Injured Tue, 30 May 2023 15:56:50 +0000 Read more]]> The tragedy unfolded on Memorial Day in Flordia, as a beach boardwalk turned into a scene of chaos when gunfire erupted, leaving nine people injured. As beachgoers sought cover, authorities swiftly responded to reports of the shooting at 6:42 p.m., with Hollywood Police Department spokesperson Deanna Bettineschi confirming the presence of nine victims with gunshot wounds.

The victims were quickly provided aid at the scene before being transported to Memorial Regional Hospital and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. Among the injured were six adults and three children, all of whom were reported to be in stable condition according to Yanet Obarrio Sanchez, spokesperson for Memorial Healthcare System.

Details emerged regarding the victims’ age groups, as Bettineschi shared that four children ranging from 1 to 17 years old were among those hurt, along with five adults aged 25 to 65. While one individual underwent surgery, the remaining victims were deemed stable. However, it remains unclear whether the hospital classified the 17-year-old as an adult.

Preliminary investigations revealed that the shooting stemmed from an altercation between two groups. “Resulted in gunfire,” Bettineschi explained, emphasizing the severity of the situation. Authorities detained one person of interest but indicated that they were actively seeking additional suspects, highlighting the ongoing nature of the investigation.

Social media platforms were flooded with videos capturing the immediate response of emergency medical crews as they tended to the injured individuals. A live camera feed also displayed scenes of people running away from the area, desperate to find safety amid the chaos.

Hollywood Beach, a popular destination approximately 11 miles south of Fort Lauderdale and 20 miles north of Miami, had drawn a significant number of visitors over the Memorial Day weekend. The shooting incident unfolded against the backdrop of what was supposed to be a joyous holiday, underscoring the tragic turn of events that affected not only the victims but also the witnesses and the community as a whole.

The Hollywood Police Department maintained a strong presence in the area surrounding the beach boardwalk, as officers worked diligently to piece together the events leading up to the shooting. Additionally, an area was designated for families to reunite, ensuring that loved ones could find solace and support during this distressing time.

Hollywood Mayor Josh Levy expressed gratitude to the brave individuals who acted as good samaritans, as well as to the paramedics, police, and emergency room staff who swiftly responded to aid the victims. Their immediate and selfless actions played a crucial role in providing comfort and care to those affected by the shooting.

Eyewitness accounts shed light on the terrifying ordeal experienced by those present during the incident. Alvie Carlton Scott III, who was enjoying the beach, recalled the sudden eruption of numerous gunshots. He quickly sought refuge behind a tree before fleeing the area upon the instruction of a police officer, his mind undoubtedly haunted by the harrowing events he had witnessed.

Jamie Ward, another witness on the boardwalk, described a disturbing scene in which several young men engaged in a fight that escalated when one of them brandished a gun and opened fire. The altercation, fueled by tension and anger, swiftly transformed into a life-threatening situation for innocent bystanders.

It is essential to note that Florida recently passed a significant change to its concealed carry laws. Last month, Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 543, effectively eliminating licensing requirements for carrying concealed firearms in most public places. This change, set to take effect on July 1, positions Florida as the 26th state to remove the need for a concealed weapons license.

As investigations continue, our thoughts and support extend to the victims and their families during this trying time. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of public safety and the need for ongoing efforts to prevent such acts of violence. Authorities urge anyone with information about the shooting to come forward and assist in bringing those responsible to justice. Together, we can work towards creating a safer and more secure community for all.

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Biden’s Memorial Day tribute at Arlington National Cemetery Mon, 29 May 2023 02:13:43 +0000 Read more]]> President Joe Biden delivered a poignant Memorial Day address at the National Arlington Cemetery, urging the nation to always remember the tremendous cost paid to safeguard democracy. In his remarks, he emphasized the dedication and sacrifice of the troops who fought and, if necessary, died for the nation’s democratic values. Biden’s wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier symbolized his deep respect for the fallen soldiers and their families, emphasizing that their service extends far beyond the silent stones that mark their resting places.

During the solemn ceremony, President Biden laid a wreath to pay tribute to fallen service members. The event, attended by approximately 3,000 people, showcased the reverence and gratitude felt by the nation towards those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin also delivered speeches, further emphasizing the solemnity of the occasion.

Reflecting on his own personal loss, the President shared the story of his son Beau, an Iraq War veteran who passed away from brain cancer a year after his deployment. Biden acknowledged that many families have experienced similar heartache, and the pain of their loss is especially profound on Memorial Day. These personal experiences reinforced his message of remembrance and gratitude for the sacrifices made by service members and their loved ones.

Addressing the American people, President Biden emphasized the responsibility to ensure that the sacrifices of the fallen were not in vain. He called for unity and collective action to safeguard democracy, protect the Constitution, and uphold the nation’s decency.

According to the president, the American people are not merely fortunate beneficiaries of the fallen soldiers’ legacy; they are entrusted with the duty of preserving their mission and carrying forward the flame of freedom.

He stressed the sacred obligation to support those who have served, regardless of political affiliations, as a promise that unites all Americans. Over the past two-and-a-half years, the administration has enacted more than 25 bipartisan laws aimed at assisting service members, their families, caregivers, and survivors.

In addition to honoring the fallen, President Biden recognized and celebrated the contributions of veterans during a Veterans Day ceremony. He expressed his deep appreciation for their service, describing them as “the best of America.”

The president also shifted attention to the pressing issue of burn pits and veterans’ healthcare, acknowledging the mounting challenges faced by veterans at home and abroad. These remarks underscored the administration’s commitment to addressing critical issues affecting veterans’ well-being.

President Biden also addressed the issue of burn pits and their potential connection to the health issues faced by veterans. Burn pits were used to incinerate various materials, including waste, munitions, and hazardous substances, at military sites in Iraq and Afghanistan until around 2010. The Department of Veterans Affairs has acknowledged that these burn pits released toxic pollutants into the air, potentially causing both short- and long-term health conditions. President Biden cited the PACT Act, signed into law last year, as a significant step towards expanding healthcare benefits for millions of veterans exposed to burn pits during their service.

As the President concluded his Memorial Day address, he emphasized the significance of unity and collective effort in preserving the legacy of the fallen. The call to ensure democracy endures and the nation’s values endure resonated with the audience. The president’s words served as a reminder that the sacrifices made by service members and their families should never be forgotten and that the American people must actively uphold the principles for which they fought.

In this solemn and poignant ceremony, President Joe Biden exemplified his deep respect and gratitude for the fallen soldiers. His heartfelt words called upon the nation to remember their sacrifices, honor their legacy, and work collectively to protect and preserve the democratic ideals they fought for. As the country commemorated Memorial Day, President Biden’s address served as a reminder of the enduring importance of remembrance, unity, and the responsibility to ensure that the sacrifices of the fallen were not in vain.

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