UFO – FAB HOURS https://fabhours.com Sat, 10 Jun 2023 21:12:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://fabhours.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/cropped-cropped-WhatsApp-Image-2023-08-05-at-2.22.10-PM-1-32x32.jpeg UFO – FAB HOURS https://fabhours.com 32 32 Unknown Entities Falling from Sky in Las Vegas https://fabhours.com/2023/06/10/unknown-entities-falling-from-sky-in-las-vegas/ https://fabhours.com/2023/06/10/unknown-entities-falling-from-sky-in-las-vegas/#respond Sat, 10 Jun 2023 21:12:10 +0000 https://usadnp.com/?p=138 Read more]]> In late April, the Las Vegas police officers found themselves investigating a series of puzzling incidents involving unknown entities falling from the sky. The intriguing events coincided with a family’s report of encountering something “not human” in their own backyard.

An officer responded to a 911 call on the night of April 30 from a concerned family who had witnessed a peculiar sight. During the interview, a family member described seeing a towering “big creature” that stood approximately 10 feet tall. The officer, intrigued by the report, informed the family that another officer had observed something similar in the sky just eight minutes earlier.

Seeking to validate the claims, the officer explained, “I’m not going to BS, you guys. One of my partners said they saw something fall out of the sky, too, so that’s why I’m kind of curious. It’s weird just the fact that our partner saw something at the exact time.”

Adding to the intrigue, a nearby resident made a separate 911 call, alerting the authorities to an entity on their property that was unequivocally “not human,” as reported by local TV station 8 News Now. The station later released body camera footage capturing a glowing object soaring through the sky, lending credibility to the claims.

Approximately 40 minutes later, yet another resident dialed emergency services to report the presence of two unknown entities in their backyard. This account closely followed a sighting of a similar object descending from the sky, as disclosed by 8 News Now. The police dispatch audio, shared by the TV channel, revealed the caller’s fear-stricken words, “There’s like an 8-foot person beside it and another one is inside us and it has big eyes and it’s looking at us and it’s still there. In my backyard. I swear to God this is not a joke, this is actually—we’re terrified.”

The series of perplexing reports left the Las Vegas police department grappling with an enigma that defied conventional explanation. The shared descriptions and synchronized timeline among the witnesses added weight to their accounts, raising further questions about the nature of the unidentified objects and entities.

As news of the peculiar events circulated, speculation and curiosity began to mount within the community. Residents pondered the possibilities, from extraterrestrial encounters to unexplained atmospheric phenomena. The unanticipated convergence of eyewitness testimonies prompted discussions and debates, fueling intrigue and captivating the public’s imagination.

Local authorities launched a thorough investigation, diligently reviewing the gathered evidence, including the body camera footage, witness statements, and dispatch audio recordings. The goal was to uncover any plausible explanations and alleviate the concerns of those affected by the sightings.

The Las Vegas police department, recognizing the significance of the situation, assured the public that they were taking the reports seriously. While acknowledging the extraordinary nature of the accounts, law enforcement officials maintained a commitment to uncovering the truth and providing reassurance to the community.

News of these mysterious sightings in Las Vegas quickly spread beyond the local sphere, capturing the attention of media outlets and sparking widespread speculation. UFO enthusiasts, skeptics, and curious onlookers eagerly followed updates on the ongoing investigation, hoping for a breakthrough that would shed light on the unexplained events.

In the weeks that followed, experts in various fields, including astronomy, aerospace, and paranormal studies, were consulted to offer their insights and expertise. The aim was to analyze the available data and provide a comprehensive understanding of the phenomena observed in Las Vegas during those late-April nights.

As investigators delved deeper into the mystery, they remained open-minded while exploring every plausible avenue. Scientific analysis, witness interviews, and collaborative efforts among experts were utilized to unravel the enigma and bring closure to those affected by the unexplained sightings.

While the investigation continued, the Las Vegas community remained captivated by the unfolding saga. The events served as a reminder of the enduring allure of the unknown and the human fascination with the mysteries that lie beyond our understanding.

As the search for answers persisted, the Las Vegas police department assured the public that they would remain steadfast in their pursuit of the truth. In the face of the inexplicable, they remained committed to providing transparency, comfort, and resolution to those who had witnessed the unexplained entities falling from the sky.

The mystery of the Las Vegas sightings remains unsolved, leaving the community in a state of anticipation and wonder. The quest to unravel the truth behind these extraordinary events serves as a reminder of humanity’s eternal curiosity and our relentless pursuit of knowledge in the face of the unknown.

As investigations unfold and experts collaborate, the hope remains that one day, the secrets of that fateful night in late April will be revealed, providing insight into the nature of the unidentified entities that briefly captured the attention of the world.

https://fabhours.com/2023/06/10/unknown-entities-falling-from-sky-in-las-vegas/feed/ 0 138
NASA’s UFO hearing – Unveiling the truth https://fabhours.com/2023/05/31/nasas-ufo-hearing-unveiling-the-truth/ https://fabhours.com/2023/05/31/nasas-ufo-hearing-unveiling-the-truth/#respond Wed, 31 May 2023 21:37:24 +0000 https://usadnp.com/?p=81 Read more]]> In a much-anticipated event, NASA recently conducted a public hearing to delve into the intriguing realm of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The hearing, held at NASA’s headquarters in Washington, aimed to shed light on “events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or as known natural phenomena.” However, the agency faced not only skepticism but also harassment concerns surrounding the 16-person team tasked with studying these mysterious phenomena.

Assembled approximately seven months ago, the team comprises experts in various fields, including astrophysics. Notably, it boasts the presence of Scott Kelly, a former astronaut and test pilot who commanded three International Space Station expeditions. Their objective is to investigate unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs) and understand their implications for national security and air safety.

Check out the video below for more information:

NASA emphasizes that without comprehensive access to relevant data, it is nearly impossible to verify or explain these observations satisfactorily. Thus, the team’s primary mission is to gather and analyze data rigorously to unravel the mysteries surrounding UAPs.

Following the hearing, NASA’s Dan Evans emphasized, “There is absolutely no convincing evidence for extraterrestrial life associated with” unidentified objects. While acknowledging the public’s skepticism and the influx of questions veering into conspiracy theories, Evans stressed the importance of investigating these occurrences with scientific scrutiny and expanding humanity’s understanding of the world.

Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of the Science Mission Directorate at NASA, emphasized the crucial role of data in comprehending UAPs. He stated that scientific conclusions about what transpires in our skies can only be drawn through thorough data analysis. Data, he added, serves as the language of scientists and facilitates the explanation of the seemingly inexplicable.

While the panel gathered physically at NASA’s headquarters, the public participated remotely, underscoring the broad interest in the subject. The panel is expected to release its final report during the summer, offering insights and recommendations based on their findings.

Several other developments in the field of UFO research have garnered attention in recent years. In June 2021, the office of the U.S. Director of National Intelligence released a report examining over 140 instances of unidentified aerial phenomena, concluding that no firm conclusions could be drawn. Additionally, the Pentagon established the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office in July 2022 to identify potentially threatening unidentified anomalous phenomena.

It is worth noting that Congress held its first public hearing on UFOs in over 50 years last May, reflecting the growing interest and significance of this topic.

However, the pursuit of UFO research has not been without challenges. During the hearing, Evans acknowledged that some team members had experienced online harassment due to their involvement in the study. NASA’s security measures aim to address this issue, emphasizing the need for respect and openness to foster a conducive scientific environment.

Ensuring safe skies and national defense remains a top priority for the team. Their focus lies in harnessing data from various sources, including civilian government agencies and commercial entities, to gain insights into UAPs. Subsequently, they will present a roadmap for analyzing UAP data in the future, a critical step toward comprehending these enigmatic phenomena.

Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, stated that the majority of reported unidentified objects appear to be explainable, such as balloons, unmanned aerial systems, clutter, or natural phenomena. Nevertheless, he highlighted the need to start somewhere in unraveling decades-old questions surrounding UAPs, assuring that scientific evidence will guide their path.

The study’s scope will primarily encompass unclassified data, and while a full report will be released, extraordinary revelations regarding incidents like the suspected Chinese spy balloon or highly classified files from Area 51 are unlikely. Area 51, a remote U.S. Air Force testing facility in the Nevada desert, has long been associated with UFO enthusiasts, drawing visitors from across the globe.

NASA’s approach to the study of UFOs is firmly rooted in scientific principles. Evans emphasized the importance of evidence, scrutiny, reproducibility, and objectivity in the pursuit of scientific knowledge. The team’s objective is not to dwell on grainy footage of UAPs but to provide a roadmap for future analysis, ensuring a systematic and objective exploration of the subject.

As the hearing concluded, it became clear that the pursuit of UFO research demands the collective responsibility of society. The scientific community, the public, and the media must engage in respectful discourse, acknowledging the expertise and significance of the panel’s work. By fostering an environment of respect and openness, we can pave the way for a deeper understanding of the world around us.

In the coming months, as NASA prepares to release its final report, the world eagerly awaits the insights and revelations that may emerge from this remarkable exploration of the unknown. The study of UFOs represents an opportunity to expand our horizons and embrace the wonders that lie beyond our current understanding.

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