White House – FAB HOURS https://fabhours.com Sun, 25 Jun 2023 15:33:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6 https://fabhours.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/cropped-cropped-WhatsApp-Image-2023-08-05-at-2.22.10-PM-1-32x32.jpeg White House – FAB HOURS https://fabhours.com 32 32 Biden Signs Major Gun Control Bill post Uvalde Massacre https://fabhours.com/2023/06/25/biden-signs-major-gun-control-bill-post-uvalde-massacre/ https://fabhours.com/2023/06/25/biden-signs-major-gun-control-bill-post-uvalde-massacre/#respond Sun, 25 Jun 2023 15:33:00 +0000 https://usadnp.com/?p=382 Read more]]> President Joe Biden signed a historic gun control bill into law on Saturday, marking a rare moment of bipartisan cooperation in a deeply divided Congress and delivering on his promise to take action on gun violence after a series of deadly mass shootings across the country.

The new law, which Biden hailed as the most significant piece of gun legislation in nearly three decades, aims to prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands by strengthening background checks, expanding the categories of prohibited buyers, and encouraging states to adopt “red flag” laws that allow courts to temporarily confiscate firearms from people who pose a threat to themselves or others.

The signing ceremony at the White House came exactly one month after a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, in one of the worst school shootings in U.S. history. The tragedy sparked renewed calls for action on gun reform, which had stalled for years in the face of Republican opposition and pressure from the powerful gun lobby.

Biden, who has made gun control a priority of his administration, said he was moved by the courage and resilience of the survivors and families of the Uvalde victims, who urged him to act swiftly and decisively to prevent more bloodshed.

“They asked me one thing: Please don’t let this happen again. Please don’t let this happen to another family,” Biden said. “They didn’t ask for much. They just asked for something. Something to make it stop.”

Biden said he was proud that Democrats and Republicans came together to pass the bill, which he called “a testament to the power of the American people” who demanded change. He thanked the lawmakers who worked across the aisle to craft a compromise that could overcome the 60-vote threshold in the Senate, where Democrats have a slim majority.

He also praised the advocacy groups and activists who have been fighting for gun reform for years, especially those who have lost loved ones to gun violence or survived it themselves. He singled out former Rep. Gabby Giffords, who was shot in the head during a constituent event in 2011 and has since become a leading voice for gun safety.

“Gabby, you’re an inspiration to all of us,” Biden said. “You’ve turned a personal nightmare into a national movement.”

The new law contains several provisions that aim to close loopholes and gaps in the current background check system, which is designed to prevent felons, domestic abusers, fugitives, and people with serious mental illnesses from buying guns.

Previously: Biden compels Live Nation, SeatGeek to end hidden ticket fees post Swift incident

One of the key measures is raising the minimum age for buying handguns from 18 to 21, matching the existing age limit for buying rifles and shotguns. This change was inspired by the 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where a 19-year-old gunman used a legally purchased handgun to kill 17 students and staff.

Another measure is extending the background check requirement to cover all sales and transfers of firearms, including those made online, at gun shows, or through private transactions. Currently, only licensed dealers are required to conduct background checks, leaving an estimated 20% of gun sales unregulated.

A third measure is eliminating what is known as the “boyfriend loophole,” which allows people who have been convicted of abusing or stalking their dating partners to buy guns. Under current law, only people who have been married to, lived with, or had children with their abusers are protected by the federal ban on domestic violence offenders owning guns.

The new law also provides incentives and grants for states to enact “red flag” laws, which allow family members or law enforcement officers to petition a judge to temporarily remove guns from someone who is deemed to be dangerous. Currently, only 19 states and Washington, D.C., have such laws on the books.

Additionally, the new law cracks down on illegal gun trafficking and straw purchasing, which involve buying guns for someone else who is prohibited from owning them. The law increases penalties for these crimes and creates a new federal task force to coordinate investigations and prosecutions.

Biden said these measures were common-sense steps that would save lives without infringing on the constitutional right to bear arms. He cited polls that show overwhelming public support for stronger gun laws among Americans of all political stripes.

“These are not radical ideas. These are not Democratic or Republican ideas. These are American ideas,” Biden said. “These are solutions that will make our communities safer and our children more secure.”

However, not everyone was happy with the new law. The National Rifle Association (NRA), the nation’s largest gun rights group, denounced it as an assault on the Second Amendment and vowed to challenge it in court.

“These measures were hastily jammed through with ambiguous language and overbroad definitions to appease gun control supporters in Congress,” the NRA said in a statement. “They will do nothing to stop criminals or prevent mass shootings, but they will infringe on the rights and freedoms of law-abiding gun owners.”

Some Republicans also criticized the law as ineffective and unconstitutional. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who voted against the bill, said it would not have prevented the Uvalde shooting or any other mass shooting in recent history. He accused Biden and the Democrats of exploiting tragedies to push a political agenda.

“They don’t want to solve this problem. They want to take away the rights of law-abiding citizens,” Cruz said. “This bill is not about saving lives. It’s about taking away our guns.”

On the other hand, some Democrats and gun control advocates said the law did not go far enough and called for more action on other issues, such as banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, which have been used in many mass shootings.

Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., who voted for the bill, said it was a good start but not enough to end the epidemic of gun violence in America.

“This bill does not do everything we need to end gun violence,” Murray said. “But doing nothing was the most extreme option on the table.”

Biden acknowledged that the new law was not a panacea and that more work needed to be done to address the root causes and consequences of gun violence, such as mental health, poverty, racism, and trauma. He said he would continue to work with Congress and use his executive authority to pursue further reforms.

He also urged Americans to keep up the pressure on their elected officials and hold them accountable for their actions or inactions on gun safety.

“We can’t let up. We can’t give up. We can’t lose hope,” Biden said. “We have to keep fighting for the change we need and deserve.”

Biden signed the bill before departing for Europe, where he will attend a series of meetings with world leaders over Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine. He said he hoped that the bipartisan cooperation on gun reform would set an example for other critical issues facing the nation and the world.

“If we can reach a compromise on guns,” he said, “we ought to be able to reach a compromise on other issues, such as veterans’ health care, cutting-edge American innovation, and so much more.”

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Biden and First Lady screen ‘Flamin’ Hot’ https://fabhours.com/2023/06/16/biden-and-first-lady-screen-flamin-hot/ https://fabhours.com/2023/06/16/biden-and-first-lady-screen-flamin-hot/#respond Fri, 16 Jun 2023 22:23:24 +0000 https://usadnp.com/?p=163 Read more]]> In a historic and momentous event at the White House, the First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, graciously extended her gratitude and warm welcome to the attendees of the highly anticipated screening of the film “Flamin’ Hot.” The room filled with applause as she expressed her delight at seeing so many familiar faces gathered together. She also took a moment to acknowledge and applaud the talented Mariachi Vargas, who had captivated the
audience with their performance.

Reflecting on the essence of America, the First Lady eloquently stated, “This country is and has always been defined by ‘We, the People.'” She emphasized the significance of every individual, regardless of their background or beliefs, in shaping and reshaping the nation through their contributions. Whether it be through innovation, entrepreneurship, political engagement, or volunteerism, every person has a role t play in building a stronger and more inclusive society.

The First Lady passionately advocated for the recognition and respect of each person’s unique story. She highlighted the transformative impact of Richard Montañez, who challenged the status quo and revolutionized the way companies perceive Latino consumers. Through his work, he demonstrated that the Latino community possesses immense economic power and deserves to be taken seriously.

However, the film “Flamin’ Hot” transcends Richard’s personal journey; it symbolizes the struggles and triumphs of everyone who has been overlooked and underestimated but dared to pursue their dreams. It explores themes of sacrifice, love, and partnership, portraying how unwavering belief in one’s potential can overcome any obstacle.

Acknowledging the collaborative effort behind the film’s creation, the First Lady paid tribute to Eva Longoria, an accomplished actress, producer, director, nonprofit founder, and entrepreneur. Eva’s tireless dedication to sharing the stories of her community, particularly empowering Latinas, has had a profound impact. The First Lady expressed her honor in showcasing Eva’s movie at the White House and reaffirmed her and the President’s unwavering support for those who fight for their beliefs.

Taking the stage with exuberance, Eva Longoria expressed her gratitude for the remarkable opportunity and the realization of a dream she never knew she had. She revealed that the inspiration for the film came from Richard Montañez’s story, which resonated deeply with her as a Mexican American. Eva candidly shared her realization
that heroes from their community often go unnoticed, fueling her determination to be the storyteller that brings their narratives to light.

Drawing parallels between her own experiences and Richard’s journey, Eva recounted the times when she was told “no” and faced gender-based obstacles. Richard’s audacity in questioning why he couldn’t be great ignited a fire within Eva, and she embraced his resilience as her own. Richard’s groundbreaking achievement of transforming Flamin’ Hot Cheetos into a multibillion-dollar brand became the focal point of the film, demonstrating the American entrepreneurial dream.

Eva emphasized the film’s authenticity and commitment to inclusivity, both in front of and behind the camera. The cast, led by talented actors Jesse Garcia and Annie Gonzalez, reflected the richness of Chicano Mexicano culture. Additionally, the brilliant writer Linda Yvette Chávez contributed to the powerful narrative that celebrates the intertwining of American and Latino history.

The event held particular significance as it coincided with Immigrant Heritage Month and the 11th anniversary of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). President Biden, in his address, commended the invaluable contributions and sacrifices of immigrants and their descendants throughout American history. He highlighted the
essential role immigrants play in enriching and advancing the nation, reflecting on his own heritage as the descendant of Irish and Italian immigrants.

President Biden reaffirmed his commitment to fighting for a pathway to citizenship for undocumented individuals, urging Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. Recognizing the urgency of the matter, he emphasized the need to provide opportunities and protect the dignity and rights of all individuals, regardless of their
immigration status.

The President’s speech echoed the sentiments of the film, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the strength and resilience within diverse communities. He called on the nation to honor the traditions and cultural contributions of all Americans, stating, “When we uplift the voices of all people, we uplift our nation and strengthen our democracy.”

In conclusion, the White House screening of “Flamin’ Hot” represented a pivotal moment in highlighting the power of storytelling and the significance of diversity in shaping American culture and society. The film’s celebration of the American entrepreneurial dream, coupled with President Biden’s call for comprehensive immigration reform, resonated deeply with the attendees. Through their collective efforts, they demonstrated a commitment to providing equal opportunities and recognizing the immeasurable value each individual brings to the fabric of the nation. As the credits rolled and the applause echoed throughout the room, the event stood as a testament to the power of unity, resilience, and the shared belief in a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

https://fabhours.com/2023/06/16/biden-and-first-lady-screen-flamin-hot/feed/ 0 163
McCarthy confident in bipartisan debt ceiling deal https://fabhours.com/2023/05/28/mccarthy-confident-in-bipartisan-debt-ceiling-deal/ https://fabhours.com/2023/05/28/mccarthy-confident-in-bipartisan-debt-ceiling-deal/#respond Sun, 28 May 2023 15:46:07 +0000 https://usadnp.com/?p=67 Read more]]> House Speaker Kevin McCarthy expressed confidence on Sunday that a bipartisan majority in Congress would approve a compromise in the coming days to raise the nation’s debt ceiling and avoid a historic default that could have severe economic consequences. McCarthy, along with two Republican negotiators, spoke to reporters about the agreement they brokered with President Joe Biden. While acknowledging that the bill did not meet all demands, McCarthy emphasized that it was a necessary compromise for the benefit of the country.

McCarthy revealed that the legislation would be reviewed with President Biden, and the finalized text would be made public, starting a 72-hour countdown for members to read the bill before a scheduled vote on Wednesday. He assured that the bill, which is expected to be approximately 150 pages long, would be a strong one with substantial support from Republicans and the expectation of support from Biden’s party as well.

The agreement, reported earlier by ABC News, is a two-year budget deal that would raise the debt limit separately for two years. It aims to maintain non-defense spending at current levels in fiscal year 2024 and increase it by 1% in 2025. The deal also includes new work requirements for recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, with time limits on benefits for individuals up to the age of 54, except for veterans and homeless individuals. The new requirements would sunset in 2030.

The bill is set to fully fund medical care for veterans, including an extension of funding in the PACT Act. It also streamlines the review process for certain energy projects and includes changes to the National Environmental Policy Act. While government spending on defense and veterans would increase under the agreement, other appropriations would fall below the 2022 level.

McCarthy addressed concerns from some House Republicans who felt that the deal did not go far enough, citing comments from Rep. Ralph Norman and Sen. Rand Paul expressing their displeasure. McCarthy downplayed reports of in-fighting within the party, stating that over 95% of the conference was “overwhelmingly excited” about the compromise during an earlier conference call. He urged members to read the bill before making a decision.

Regarding his position as speaker, McCarthy brushed off the potential risk of a snap vote to remove him from the speakership, stating that he was not worried about such a move. The GOP currently holds a narrow majority in the House, and passing a debt compromise would require at least a bare majority of Republicans, along with enough Democrats to compensate for any conservative defections.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries informed Democrats in a “dear colleague” letter that the Biden administration would brief them on the terms of the deal. While Jeffries did not make commitments on the caucus’s support, he expressed gratitude to President Biden for his leadership in averting default and looked forward to further discussions.

Talking points circulated by the White House encouraged lawmakers to focus on what the deal achieved, including reducing spending while protecting critical programs for working people and promoting economic growth. McCarthy revealed that he had spoken with Jeffries multiple times and had a conversation with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to explain the agreement. President Biden, in a statement on Saturday, urged both chambers of Congress to pass the agreement promptly, emphasizing its significance in reducing spending and safeguarding critical programs.

In conclusion, the bipartisan compromise on raising the debt ceiling is seen as a significant step toward avoiding a historic default and its potential adverse effects on the economy. While the bill may not meet all demands, it is presented as a necessary compromise in a divided government. The details of the agreement, including spending limits, work requirements for SNAP recipients, and increased funding for veterans’ medical care, provide a framework for bipartisan support. The final text of the legislation is set to be released publicly, allowing members of Congress to review it before the scheduled vote.

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Diplomat Henry Kissinger Turns 100, Active Globally https://fabhours.com/2023/05/27/diplomat-henry-kissinger-turns-100-active-globally/ https://fabhours.com/2023/05/27/diplomat-henry-kissinger-turns-100-active-globally/#respond Sat, 27 May 2023 15:29:14 +0000 https://usadnp.com/?p=64 Read more]]> Henry Kissinger, the former diplomat and presidential adviser, reaches a momentous milestone as he celebrates his 100th birthday. His longevity is a testament to his enduring influence in global affairs and his significant role in shaping American foreign policy during one of the nation’s most tumultuous periods. From his involvement in the Vietnam War to his contributions to Cold War tensions and his recent engagements, Kissinger’s journey has been one marked by controversy, accomplishments, and enduring impact.

Born on May 27, 1923, in Germany, Henry Kissinger emerged as a prominent figure in American politics and international diplomacy. His pivotal role in U.S. foreign policy during the 1960s and 1970s, particularly in relation to Vietnam, remains a subject of intense scrutiny and debate.

Kissinger’s efforts to extricate the United States from the Vietnam War became inextricably linked to controversial actions and decisions. Despite this, he continued to navigate the complex landscape of American politics, demonstrating resilience and an unwavering commitment to diplomacy.

In a recent article published in The Washington Post, David Kissinger, Henry’s son, reflected on his father’s centenary, stating that it was inevitable given his force of character and love for historical symbolism. David highlighted Henry’s exceptional longevity, surpassing many of his contemporaries, detractors, and even students. Throughout his 90s, Henry Kissinger remained indefatigably active, providing advice to presidents from both political parties and maintaining an international consulting business.

As an elder statesman, Kissinger has wielded significant influence over Washington’s power brokers. His expertise and counsel have been sought by Republican and Democratic administrations alike, including the White House during the Trump era. Despite his advanced age, Kissinger continues to deliver speeches and engage in international consulting, showcasing his enduring passion for diplomacy.

Kissinger’s journey is a testament to his resilience and commitment to global affairs. His early experiences fleeing Nazi Germany with his family as a teenager left an indelible mark on him, shaping his worldview and commitment to preventing such atrocities from recurring.

In addition to his diplomatic endeavors, Kissinger has actively engaged with contemporary issues. He coauthored a book in 2021 titled “The Age of AI: And Our Human Future,” exploring the implications of artificial intelligence and urging governments to prepare for its potential risks.

Throughout his career, Kissinger played a central role in several pivotal foreign policy events. As a national security adviser and secretary of state, he engaged in shuttle diplomacy to seek Middle East peace, conducted secret negotiations with China to thaw relations, and initiated the Paris peace talks to end the Vietnam conflict and reduce U.S. military presence in the region.

However, Kissinger also faced intense criticism for his actions. Alongside President Richard Nixon, he bore the brunt of condemnation when North Vietnamese communist forces captured Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) in 1975, marking a significant setback for American foreign policy. Furthermore, Kissinger was accused of orchestrating the expansion of the Vietnam War into Laos and Cambodia, inadvertently contributing to the rise of the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime, which claimed the lives of an estimated 2 million Cambodians.

Despite the controversies surrounding his legacy, Kissinger received recognition for his contributions. He played a pivotal role in the period of détente, a diplomatic effort between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1967 to 1979 aimed at reducing Cold War tensions through trade and arms negotiations. Kissinger’s realpolitik policies favored American interests but also drew criticism for supporting or emboldening repressive regimes in countries such as Pakistan, Chile, and Indonesia.

Throughout his political career, Kissinger remained one of Nixon’s most trusted advisers, even during the Watergate scandal that ultimately led to the president’s resignation. In 1977, President Gerald Ford awarded Kissinger the Presidential Medal of Freedom, recognizing his wisdom, compassion, and dedication to pursuing peace while wielding America’s great power.

As Henry Kissinger celebrates his 100th birthday, the global community reflects on his immense contributions to international relations. His longevity, intellectual prowess, and enduring influence have solidified his place in history as a statesman of unparalleled significance. While controversy may surround some of his actions, Kissinger’s impact on American foreign policy and global affairs cannot be denied. As the world continues to grapple with complex challenges, his insights and experiences serve as a reminder of the importance of diplomacy, strategic thinking, and the pursuit of peace.

https://fabhours.com/2023/05/27/diplomat-henry-kissinger-turns-100-active-globally/feed/ 0 64
Ron DeSantis Launches Presidential Campaign with Iowa Kickoff https://fabhours.com/2023/05/25/ron-desantis-launches-presidential-campaign-with-iowa-kickoff/ https://fabhours.com/2023/05/25/ron-desantis-launches-presidential-campaign-with-iowa-kickoff/#respond Thu, 25 May 2023 11:23:15 +0000 https://usadnp.com/?p=57 Read more]]> In an unprecedented move, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has decided to forgo the traditional approach to launching a presidential campaign. Instead, he plans to hold his “campaign kickoff” event in the crucial state of Iowa, as revealed in exclusive campaign plans obtained by ABC News. This strategic decision has sparked curiosity and debate among political analysts and enthusiasts alike.

Scheduled for May 30, the kickoff event will mark the beginning of an ambitious four-day swing through 12 cities and towns across the early nominating states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Aptly named “Our Great American Comeback Tour,” this tour is poised to serve as a platform for Governor DeSantis to share his vision for the nation.

Campaign manager Generra Peck expressed the campaign’s unwavering commitment to winning these early nominating states. In a statement provided to ABC News, Peck affirmed, “No one will work harder than Governor DeSantis to share his vision with the country—he has only begun to fight.” This dedication to making a lasting impact is evident in the extensive itinerary, which includes speeches, retail shop visits, and intimate fireside chats.

While Governor DeSantis has already visited key primary states in recent months, these upcoming visits hold particular significance as they mark his first official appearances as a presidential candidate. Building on his previous engagements, DeSantis aims to establish a stronger connection with voters, presenting himself as a viable choice for the nation’s highest office.

Earlier this month, DeSantis made waves in Iowa when he attended Rep. Randy Feenstra’s third annual Feenstra Family Picnic as a special guest. During his appearance, DeSantis presented a “positive alternative” to Republican voters, highlighting his vision for a brighter future.

The official launch of DeSantis‘ 2024 presidential bid took place just days ago. In a video announcement released prior to the campaign’s glitch-plagued Twitter Spaces event, the Florida governor declared his candidacy for the White House. With determination in his voice, DeSantis stated, “I am running for president of the United States to lead our great American comeback.”

In his campaign message, DeSantis made it clear that he believes the country is heading in the wrong direction. He expressed concern over a range of issues, including Democratic policies on the southern border, rising crime rates, public safety, and the escalating cost of living for middle-class families. With these concerns in mind, DeSantis aims to provide a compelling alternative to the status quo and position himself as a candidate who can bring about meaningful change.

The decision to launch his campaign in Iowa carries symbolic weight, as the state holds immense importance in the presidential primary process. Known for its influential caucuses, Iowa serves as a testing ground for candidates to gauge their appeal and gain momentum early on. By choosing to kick off his campaign there, DeSantis is signaling his commitment to winning over Iowa voters and building a solid foundation for his presidential aspirations.

As the political landscape evolves, Governor Ron DeSantis’s unconventional approach to launching his presidential campaign has certainly captured attention. With his “campaign kickoff” event in Iowa and subsequent tour of key states, DeSantis aims to solidify his position as a serious contender and set the stage for a transformative political journey. Only time will tell how this bold move will impact the trajectory of the 2024 presidential race.

https://fabhours.com/2023/05/25/ron-desantis-launches-presidential-campaign-with-iowa-kickoff/feed/ 0 57
Senator Van Hollen Blasts House Republicans for Debt Ceiling Chaos https://fabhours.com/2023/05/22/senator-van-hollen-blasts-house-republicans-for-debt-ceiling-chaos/ https://fabhours.com/2023/05/22/senator-van-hollen-blasts-house-republicans-for-debt-ceiling-chaos/#respond Mon, 22 May 2023 13:05:52 +0000 https://usadnp.com/?p=30 Read more]]> Introduction

Senator Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat from Maryland, has placed blame on House Republicans, particularly Speaker Kevin McCarthy, for the escalating debt ceiling crisis in the United States. As negotiations between the White House and lawmakers intensify to avoid a potential default, Van Hollen expressed deep concern about the current situation, characterizing it as “insane.”

With the federal government at risk of being unable to pay its bills as early as June, unless Congress raises the borrowing limit, tensions are rising as House Republicans demand concessions on spending. Meanwhile, they deflect responsibility for fueling fears of a default, instead placing the blame on President Joe Biden.

House Republicans’ Demands and Democratic Response

In an interview with ABC’s “This Week,” Van Hollen criticized Speaker McCarthy and House Republicans, accusing them of threatening to push the “default detonator” and jeopardize the economy unless their demands are met. Van Hollen’s worry stems from the significant gap between the two parties regarding raising taxes and government spending. While President Biden has expressed a willingness to compromise on spending, Republicans remain staunchly opposed to any increases in taxes. The impasse has raised concerns about finding a viable solution before the debt ceiling deadline looms.

Three Paths Forward

Van Hollen outlined three potential paths forward to address the debt ceiling crisis. In the short term, he recommended continuing the ongoing negotiations between the White House and McCarthy, referring to it as “Plan A.” However, if an agreement is not reached within the next two days, Van Hollen proposed two backup plans. “Plan B” involves Democrats attempting to pass their own deal through the House via a discharge petition, which would allow them to force a vote without McCarthy‘s backing.

To succeed, Democrats would need the support of some conservative lawmakers to pass an alternative plan. Van Hollen stressed the importance of unity among Democrats and highlighted the potential for finding common ground with approximately 30 Republicans who had expressed similar proposals in May.

The 14th Amendment Contingency

As a last resort, Van Hollen identified “Plan C,” which entails President Biden invoking the 14th Amendment to circumvent the debt limit. The 14th Amendment states that the public debt “shall not be questioned.” While this option is seen as a legal strategy to bypass Congress, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen had previously cautioned that it could provoke a “constitutional crisis.”

Biden, currently attending a summit in Japan, acknowledged the authority to invoke the 14th Amendment but expressed concerns about potential legal challenges and the limited time frame to implement a unilateral solution. Van Hollen acknowledged the uncertainty surrounding this approach but maintained that it would be a preferable alternative to default, which could have severe economic consequences.

Republican Tactics and Democratic Response

Van Hollen likened the tactics employed by House Republicans to hostage-taking, arguing that President Biden had already offered significant spending cuts. However, Republicans have staunchly opposed any discussion of increased revenue from wealthy individuals, insisting that the focus should be on reducing government bureaucracy and addressing the inflation crisis caused by excessive spending.

House Budget Committee Chair Jodey Arrington, speaking separately on “This Week,” emphasized the need to rein in government spending and the unsustainable debt burden. Arrington accused Biden of dragging out negotiations until the last moment, despite House Republicans passing their own debt ceiling bill the previous month.

McCarthy’s Influence and the Role of Former President Trump

Van Hollen expressed skepticism about McCarthy‘s effectiveness as Speaker, attributing it to his limited sway over House Republicans. He contended that McCarthy could not present a reasonable proposal to his caucus and expect it to secure the necessary votes, particularly with the influence of former President Donald Trump, who is encouraging uncompromising stances. The dynamic within the Republican Party, shaped by Trump’s presence, further complicates negotiations and the search for a bipartisan agreement.

Finally, as the debt ceiling deadline rapidly approaches, the blame game intensifies between Democrats and House Republicans. Van Hollen’s criticism of Speaker McCarthy and his party highlights the urgency of finding a resolution to avoid a catastrophic default. With three possible paths forward and the consideration of invoking the 14th Amendment as a last resort, lawmakers face critical decisions that will impact the country’s economic stability. The coming days will prove crucial in determining whether negotiations can bridge the wide divide between the two parties and avert a potential crisis that could have far-reaching consequences for the American economy.

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Prez Joe Biden’s praise for PM Narendra Modi at Quad Summit https://fabhours.com/2023/05/21/prez-joe-bidens-praise-for-pm-narendra-modi-at-quad-summit/ https://fabhours.com/2023/05/21/prez-joe-bidens-praise-for-pm-narendra-modi-at-quad-summit/#respond Sun, 21 May 2023 09:14:51 +0000 https://usadnp.com/?p=27 Read more]]> During a recent Quad meeting held on the sidelines of the G7 Summit, President Joe Biden of the United States commended the popularity of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Sources reveal that President Biden expressed his admiration for PM Modi, stating that he was facing a challenge due to an overwhelming demand for tickets to attend an event being organized during PM Modi’s visit to the US next month. This gesture highlights the significant influence PM has garnered, not only in India but also on the global stage.

During their conversation, President Biden conveyed to PM Modi that he embodies the essence of democracy and its significance. According to sources, President Biden stated, “You are demonstrating that democracies matter.” This recognition underscores the pivotal role PM Modi plays as a global leader, in promoting democratic values and principles.

President Biden humorously expressed his dilemma regarding the overwhelming demand for tickets to the upcoming event honoring PM Modi in Washington. He emphasized the immense popularity of PM Modi by stating, “Everyone in the whole country wants to come. I have run out of tickets.” Sources reveal that President Biden’s team has been inundated with phone calls from prominent citizens, including movie actors and even distant relatives, requesting access to the event. This overwhelming response serves as a testament to the admiration and respect PM Modi commands both domestically and internationally.

President Biden also acknowledged the significant impact PM Modi has had on the Quad alliance and his pivotal role in shaping their collective endeavors. Sources suggest that President Biden acknowledged PM Modi’s contributions by stating, “You also made a fundamental shift in climate. You have influence in Indo-Pacific. You are making a difference.” This recognition highlights the immense role played by PM Modi in addressing climate change and his influential presence in the Indo-Pacific region.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who was present during the conversation between President Biden and PM Modi, expressed his admiration for PM Modi’s popularity. PM Albanese recalled the remarkable reception received by PM Modi at the Narendra Modi stadium, where over 90,000 people celebrated his achievements. This anecdote further emphasizes the widespread admiration and support that PM Modi commands among the masses.

PM Narendra Modi is scheduled to undertake an official state visit to the United States on June 22. During this visit, he will be hosted by President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden at a state dinner held at the White House. The Ministry of External Affairs has confirmed that this visit will underscore the growing importance of the strategic partnership between India and the United States, which already encompasses collaboration across various sectors.

The White House released a statement announcing the official state visit and highlighting its objectives. The statement emphasized that the visit aims to strengthen the shared commitment to a free, open, prosperous, and secure Indo-Pacific region. It also emphasizes the resolve to elevate the strategic technology partnership, including areas such as defense, clean energy, and space. Furthermore, the leaders will discuss expanding educational exchanges, promoting people-to-people ties, and addressing common challenges, including climate change, workforce development, and health security.

President Biden‘s acknowledgment of PM Modi’s popularity and the surge in demand for tickets to the upcoming event during PM Modi’s US visit speaks volumes about the Indian leader’s influence and global stature. The admiration expressed by President Biden, along with PM Albanese’s appreciation, further solidifies the significance of PM Modi’s contributions. The upcoming state visit to the United States will not only strengthen the strategic partnership between the two nations but also pave the way for collaborative efforts in addressing common challenges and advancing shared objectives.

Having retired at the peak of his career at the age of 30, Brown pursued his passion for acting and addressed pressing social issues. The impact he made was further acknowledged by the Cleveland Browns, who honored his legacy by retiring his No. 32 jersey and erecting a statue outside First Energy Stadium in 2016.

Jim Brown’s significance extended beyond the realm of football. Current Browns owners, Jimmy and Dee Haslam, referred to him as a true icon for the NFL, recognizing him as one of the greatest players in the league’s history. While many witnessed his dominance on the field, his numerous accomplishments, and lasting impact will forever cement Jim Brown as a legendary figure in both football and the fight for social justice.

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